Low-Pressure issue Fixed by Lubi Team in the Monoblock Pump, Making Customer Happy and Satisfied


Client: Educational Institute in Pune, Maharashtra

Complain: Low Pressure in Mono Block Pump   


monoblock pumpset
Nameplate Of Product 
Lubi's High Speed Monoblock Pump
High Speed Monoblock Pump centre



A prestigious educational institute was using our High Speed Monoblock Pump (LBH SERIES) to irrigate its expansive lawns with sprinklers.

One day their gardener noticed that the water discharge was not as it used to be. He informed the administrative department about the same and they in turn called up our toll-free helpline number to register a complaint.



  1. Customers can register a complaint by calling our toll-free number, after which they will receive a text message with information about the complaint as well as the contact details of our service engineer.
  2. Our Engineer usually calls up to fix an appointment as per the electricity schedule of the area - as there are frequent power disruptions in some places.


Our service engineer reached the site as per the pre-scheduled appointment.



Our service engineer reached the location and immediately began his inspections to verify the complaint and identify the root cause of the problem.


  1. Power Supply: As always, our engineer first checked the pump’s power supply. After inspecting the connections, our engineer turned on the power supply. He noticed that the quantity of water being fetched by the pump was very low.
  2. Pump Fan: After checking the power connection, our engineer inspected the shaft (motor fan) – but it was rotating in the right direction.
  3. Leakages: After the main inspections were done, our engineer moved on to check for any leakages - but he did not find any. While checking for leakages, our technician suddenly noted the presence of an “extra valve” on the suction line.
Extra Valve On Suction Line
Extra Valve On Suction Line


Note: The direction of the normal rotation is usually engraved on the cover of the pump in the shape of an arrow. It is a good indicator of the normal functioning of the pump.



The valve on the suction line was drawing in air, thereby impacting the performance of the pump.

Our technician changed the valve & closed it. then reconnected the supply line to the pump. He then restarted the pump to check it. This time they found adequate quantity of water coming from the discharge pipe.


Monoblock Pump
Changed Valve



  1. As mentioned above, there is no need for any extra valve at the suction pipe. This can impact the performance of the pump.
  2. Make sure there are no leakages as they can significantly impact the performance of the pump in multiple ways.
  • Always fill the suction line with water before switching on a centrifugal pump (if a foot valve is not installed).
  • If there is debris in the pump's volute, it could impact the flow of water.
  • Use the mono block pump only in the direction of positive suction
  • Always maintain a cover over the pump to keep water and other particles from getting inside.



  • The following measures can ensure that your Mono Block Pump lasts longer with little or no downtime.


  1. Always ensure your Mono Block pumps get continuous (3 phase) power supply of 380-415 V
  2. Avoid leakages. Any kind of leakage can impact the flow and pressure. It is advisable to check the nuts and bolts of the pipe, to ensure they are tightened properly.
  3. Always run the pump at the duty point as declared by the company.
  4. Always check the movement of the fan (behind the pump) before switching on the pump. It should not be jammed or obstructed in any manner and should rotate clockwise. 


Final Words:

  • It is advisable to follow the guidelines provided by the dealer while buying or repairing the pump. You may also refer our user manual or call our toll-free number for any assistance.