Empowering Rural Progress: LUBI at Umang 2023


Embracing the spirit of rural development, LUBI participated in UMANG 2023 – 13th Annual Grameen Mela, a distinctive expo organized by the Institute of Management and Information Science (IMIS), Bhubaneshwar.


umang grameen mela


This unique event, dubbed ‘UMANG - Rural Marketing Mela’, stands out as a platform where Rural Marketing Management trainees conduct comprehensive market research within a 15-kilometer radius, identifying the genuine needs of the rural community. The students then compile a report, outlining the essential products and services required by the people they interacted with. Subsequently, UMANG brings together businesses capable of addressing these needs, fostering awareness among the rural population.


The primary objective behind LUBI's participation in Umang 2023 transcended mere sales. Instead, our goal was to contribute to the institute's mission of creating awareness among the rural populace about the latest products and services tailored for their needs. This aligns with our commitment to corporate social responsibility, aiming to make a positive impact on rural communities.


LUBI took the opportunity to showcase critical components for the agricultural industry - our advanced pumps, valves, and induction motors. Positioned as vital contributors to modern farming practices, our products aim to enhance productivity and sustainability in the agricultural sector. We believe that by introducing these innovations to the rural community, we contribute not only to their awareness but also to the potential improvement of their agricultural practices.


The response from the rural community was truly heartening. Attendees, including farmers and local residents, engaged with our exhibits, demonstrating a keen interest in understanding the significance of our pumps, valves and induction motors for their agricultural needs. The interactive sessions facilitated valuable discussions, enabling us to grasp the specific challenges faced by the rural population and tailor our solutions accordingly.


UMANG 2023 provided us with more than just a platform to display our products; it offered us a gateway to connect with the grassroots. Engaging with farmers, understanding their requirements, and witnessing firsthand the impact of our products on their lives created a profound and meaningful experience.


Beyond numerical gains, the expo enriched our understanding of the rural landscape and strengthened our commitment to developing solutions that truly make a difference.


Looking ahead, we envision continued engagement with rural communities. Our future plans include initiatives that go beyond product displays. We aim to contribute to skill development programs, offer educational sessions on sustainable farming practices, and actively participate in community-driven projects. Through our sustained involvement, we aspire to empower rural progress, aligning our efforts with the ethos of UMANG 2023 - creating awareness and fostering positive change in the lives of the rural population.


Stay connected with us as we embark on this journey of meaningful impact in rural India.